A reminder about claiming in relation to faxed prescriptions.
The following is from the DHBNZ Pharmacy Procedures Manual of 1 March 2010:

“Section 4.1 Prescription Requirements
4.1.1 Prescriber Information
In addition to the legal requirements of a prescription, the following information is required for subsidy purposes:

A facsimile signature is not acceptable. Subject to the conditions below, if a prescription is faxed, the original prescription must be obtained or the prescriber must indelibly sign the faxed copy before a claim can be made for the prescription item/s.

However, if the original prescription (or the faxed copy signed by the prescriber as above) has not been received by the pharmacy within four weeks of the date of the original dispensing, reimbursement can be claimed. The signed prescription must be obtained and submitted in due course … with the batch for audit purposes.

If no signed prescription is obtained by the batch submission date then the pharmacy must refund any money previously claimed in respect of this claimed item by crediting the amount against its next claim(s).

If the pharmacy considers that special circumstances apply to a specific claim item it may apply in writing to the DHB. The DHB may, at its discretion allow the pharmacy to retain payment. If no such express written permission is provided then the refund must be made by the pharmacy.”

This is our bolded text. In other words, attempts must be made for at least four weeks to obtain the original script or signed faxed copy before reimbursement can be claimed.

If prolonged efforts are unsuccessful, then “special circumstances” presumably apply and you can write to the DHB explaining these.