A reminder that from 1 December 2010 ketamine is a Class C4 (Schedule 3 Part 4) controlled drug.

The reason for the shift from prescription medicine to C4 controlled drug is to reduce the potential for diversion for non-legitimate purposes.

Being C4 means that it will have to be kept in an approved controlled drug safe – Misuse of Drugs Regulation 28.

It will NOT be required to be recorded in the CD Register – Reg 48(1) exempts Class C.

It must be prescribed on the triplicate prescription form H572. Regulation 29(1)(a)(ii) of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations has been amended to add ketamine to the list of drugs requiring the triplicate prescription form.  But, prescriptions written by veterinarians are exempt this requirement because regulation 29(1)(a) refers only to human use.

If you supply ketamine preparations please alert the medical practice, theatre, pain clinic, hospice, ambulance service or vet of these new storage and prescribing requirements.

Ketamine has gained popularity as an illegal recreational drug where it can induce potent hallucinogenic effects, including out-of-body type experiences where the user feels numbness and detachment from themselves and others around them.  There has also been significant diversion, particularly from veterinary sources.


While on the subject of vets and controlled drugs, the following information will be useful when you receive a CD script from a vet:

–  Vets can prescribe controlled drugs for animal use – Misuse of Drugs Act 8(2)

–  Only for an animal under his/her care – Misuse of Drugs Regulations 21(5)

An ordinary script pad is OK, doesn’t need triplicate – Regulation 29(I)(a) refers only to human use

–  Script must be in the name (and address) of the person having custody of the animal – Regulation 29(1)(f)

–  Script must have the words “for animal treatment only” – Regulation 29(1)(i)

–  The maximum that can be prescribed is a quantity no greater than sufficient to use for a period of 1 month – Regulation 31(1)

–  The dispensed medicine must be labelled “Not for human use” or “For veterinary use only” – Regulation 25(5)